Day 16

Just another day. I have been making it a point to eat a few more carbs. I have actually been eating less than the diet says and they say it really does not make any differance but I want to at least get up to 30 a day so that when I am ready for stage 2 I do not cause any commotion with my body. I have not got the ok from my chiropractor yet to start the OHPC but I have been told to walk more. I have only had two visits and I am feeling much better indeed. Some say it is a crock. I say they should try it first. Sure it is not for everyone and they cannot fix all problems. Even they will tell you that. But they are fixing me it seems. I also have decided that I am going to start using stevia as a sweetner. It has many benifits and no detriments that have been found and it has been used for at least a 100 years I do believe and it is all natural. I was thinking that maybe splenda was ok until I read that it is a chlorocarbon, and none of those are good for people, many are on the deadly list.

Day 15

Ok, so I have lost another 3 lbs. I know weigh 284. One bit of bad news however. I have just gotten back from my second visit to the chiropractor and I found out that my spine is crazy curved and that has been causing my pain and headaches. Well, needless to say I am getting treatment and that is going to hurt the pocket book. Each treatment is only 40 bucks, that is not too bad but I know I am going to have to have more than three treatments. If it takes away the pain it will be worth it. He told me I would have to hold off on the 100 push ups challenge until we get my back into a better alignment because the stress of that could undue the work. He does suggest that I start walking.

Day 14

Ok, so today I did day W1D2 (week one day two) of the HPUC (Hundred Push Up Challenge) and really impressed myself. I actually did 6 on the exhaustion set. I only had to do 4 but I actually made it past. This does seem to be working fast. I am not sure that I am going to be able to weigh in tomorrow. I have so much to do and a second chiropractor appointment. Seems I may have twisted something in my back a few years ago and that is causing the pain. Otherwise he said I have very excellent flexibility and everything else seems to be alright.

Day 13

Keeping it going

Day 12

Today went well of course. I will be getting weight tomorrow when I donate plasma but it is not the week weight in that will happen of Thursday. I am of course expecting some good results. I did my push ups today, this morning actually. I fell one short on the fourth set but that is ok, I took a bit more rest and finished up with 3 and that was what the minimum was for the 5th set. It was so very hard but considering that I only tested out at two, the fact that I actually got three after four sets of 2 (well minus one of the fourths set of course) is totally awesome. Certainly reinforces my belief in this program.

Day 11 update

Ok. They endud serving me a whole chicken enchilada and so that was a few more carbs than I should have had. I am estimating about 30 to 40 for the flour tortilla shell, and the only other carb in it was the beans and I let most of them fall out. At least beans have fiber and are a healthy source of carbo’s. That prolly put me just over my daily total allawance but nut by much. Sure I should not have had them in one meal but it would have been rude to have not eaten what I had been served. I did not get any sort of sugar rush so I think I can assume that it was not too bad of a deal.

Day 11

Ok. So I have read that there are tons of complaints about aspartame. I read a bit about it and I am thinking it is safe for me to no longer have it. Oddly, since I have started drinking diet soda which was a couple of months before my diet I have started some of the symptoms they talk about. Including it being asked if I have ADD and even I have noticed that. Dizzyness and many other things. This leaves me with pretty much only water and tea assuming I can find a tea that taste good unsweetened. Not all teas do. I went out to eat with a friend who is in town for a couple of days and still did not cheat thought it was very tempting. It was a large group of is there and it bites having to pay for all the fixin’s just to give them away. I am currently at my fiancee’s grandmas and we are going to soon be having dinner. I am not even going to cheat then either.

Day 10

Today also went very well. I made some cookies for someone to buy from work and I did not have a one. I tried a little peice to make sure they were ok, less than the size of a dime. That did not break my diet of course or I would not have done it. I am allowed some carbs and I hardly ever use any of them so far though I should. I may start adding a bit of fruit with most of my meals. I did my initial test for the 100 push up challenge. I could only do 2. I really thought I had number three at first though. I cannot wait to see the progress.

Day 9

Just another day. Everything went well. 😀

Day 8

So, this is my one week weigh in. I am very happy to say that I have lost 9 lbs. and now weigh 287. I also won the bet with my fiancee so I get to buy something and she has to do 20 jumping jacks. Today I go for my first walk. I am going to go one mile and then work my way up from that. I think that one mile is not going to be enough to even start to challenge me but we shall see.

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